Monday, December 07, 2009

Live A Quality of Life, Not a Policed up the YinYan, Life

To all the people who keep adding red tap, over kill on safety, Policies and making money out of perceived liability…Even after I’ve signed a release form. Regarding (managed Risk Agreement) my Ventilator in order to live a quality of life, not be like John Travolta in “The Boy in The Bubble”

I'm tired of Medical Care Companies Charging enorous amounts of Money . They feign Liability in order to charge more, or refusing to provided serves.

Our Society is Capitalzing on even your fears and health concerns to make a bigger proffet. Like the horrendous fish (recycled bits of unsellable). Crush into fillets dipped in flax seed and sold to care facilitators as nutrition...the Market

I want to say to these people “put yourself in a zipped lock bag and call a Cryogenic Lab. Because when the Bus hits you walking across your lawn, and your in the hospital with flesh eating disease, you better have insurance to pay the family of the 110 year old woman who was riding the bus has a heart attack will sue”

The Truth is if my ventilator quites and nobody responds ASAP I could die. I'm getting excellent care for the last few years. I say with bated breath..has not alway been...may not always be. I cannot harbor in fear, if I spend anytime worring because when I go down that road I cease to live my life. I do not fear being Dead as God will take care of Me. What I fear the most having been to that door before is the suffering my Physical body has to now may endure. Not being able to breath, having pain, tight chest is scary. But it's just as likely to happen here. So I avoid dwelling on it in order to live.I just have to pray that when my time comes to board that train God gives me the ticket for a smooth trip....I won't be Sueing.

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